I didn’t even really know what to call this, so I went with couture children’s portraits lol! This is Aven, she is my 6 year old daughter. I find it very important to take each child out for their very own photo session once a year. They look forward to all the attention and love seeing the huge canvases in my entry way of my favorite image.

Let’s go ahead and discuss this to die for gown! Did you know there is a Rent the Runway style business for children?! One of my clients told me about The Borrowed Boutique and I about flipped when I went to their site! All these over the top gorgeous and very expensive children’s clothes, that are beyond perfect for photo sessions, for rent! O to the M to the G! These aren’t the type of clothes that you need to have just chillin’ in your kid’s closet, it’s the type of stuff you need for one fancy event and then want to be done with it. If you have a session coming up, please go check this site out and see if anything fits the vision you have for your child’s photo shoot.

So Aven’s 6 year pics…aside from running into a very large snake leaving us feeling quite unsettled, it went so well! Aven loves the camera and loves the spot light. She was literally doing a princess wave to everyone that rode by on their bicycles. She still talks about this day and this dress and I know my kids will look back on these shoots and be so glad we did them!

If you are interested in a shorter session for updated portraits of your child ask about our “Just Me” sessions that are shorter and cheaper! Woo!!

little girl swishing her dress between trees

little girl in a tree tunnel sweet little girl spinning in a tunnel of trees
little girl spinning in a fancy dress little girl showing off her fancy dress

To read more about our kid sessions, click here

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