Don’t be fooled by this first sweet face. It was a fleeting millisecond. And thank goodness for that because I would have been pretty darn annoyed to have bought a 2 year old some hunter boots and a Burberry shirt for a total fail. In his defense, my sweet husband accidentally let him get into a cactus mere minutes before I was about to photograph him. EYE ROLL! You had ONE job lol! 2 year old pictures are hard enough without cactus spikes. I got just enough images to make an accordion book for my collection and called it a day. Plus, it was after a few bluebonnet  mini sessions with other families and I was just over it at that point with his 2 year oldness. I can be the most patient person with other people’s kids, I am not the least bit bothered when they throw fits or act up during a session. However, with my own kids in front of my lens, I have zero patience and quit after I get one useable image usually. So just know, if your kid is acting a fool, it’s not bugging me and I can still get plenty of precious milliseconds in the spaces between. 
toddler boy standing in bluebonnets
two year old boy laughing in the bluebonnets
toddler crying in the bluebonnets

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