The Clutes are sort of a household name at my house. Every time we have a session I come home telling my husband how funny they are and all the hilarious stuff that went down. I’m fairly certain my husband has never met any members of the Clute family, but he knows exactly who they are on my computer screen. He has been known to yell “THE CLUTES” when he sees me editing their pics. It’s become a little funny thing between us.

This session started out a tad rough with sweet Cooper wanting nothing to do with me or my big old camera. You can’t tell by these cute pics though…



But then disaster struck and Cooper was going all “terrible 2s” on us. Luckily after a quick time out while we did some mom and dad alone pics, Cooper was recharged and ready to participate. Good call mom and dad!






Does it look like he’s talking here. Well he is. We were practicing his colors. It worked nicely for some eye contact. Can’t wait to see what humorous tales I have after next year’s session!! 


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