They aren’t little forever. Photographing babies throughout their first year is one of my favorite parts of this job. We start with the marathon 3 hour newborn sessions. The babies are so tiny, fresh from God, sound asleep and so precious. For a lady that gets baby fever easily, I’m not sure if I picked the best or worst career. Either way, I definitely get my newborn fix and it’s fantastic!



Then there is the 6 month session. These are SO fun!! Six month olds are so expressive, so happy, so squealy and oozing with joy. These are quick sessions and we make goofy faces and sing silly songs and do whatever it takes to get those big smiles and sweet stares.






And then we wrap it all with the one year session. Some parents love the cake smash and some prefer just a normal portrait session. We combined the two for Bailey’s. One year olds are starting to assert their opinions more and more and are becoming independent. Bailey dove in head first to her cake, which I loved! Happy birthday Bailey and I can’t wait to get started designing a very special album celebrating your first year!!

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