Whether he likes it or not, he will likely be called “Bubs” the rest of his life. My only son, my baby, his three sisters and I started off calling him this and it has certainly stuck. Much to my surprise, he nailed his cake smash portion of his photos in the studio. He was adorable, in a good mood, and actually cooperated. His outdoor portion though. OH DEAR. We got one single shot. One. If this was a real client and not my own son, I would have died. But since it was my own son, I was just over it, packed up my gear and left. There is a level of patience and calmness I have when photographing my clients that I do not have when working with my own children. Even though this was the only image I got of him outside, to me it is perfect, all the way down to the mullet that we cut off a few weeks later. Having a son has been everything I dreamed it would be, I still can’t believe it’s real. His shirt says it all….best. year. ever.

To see Griffin’s six month session, click here

To see Griffin’s newborn session, click here

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